Monday, April 11, 2011

Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a

Today I had work at 8 to take care of Delores. Well last night Justin stayed up until like 5 in the morning, so I knew he was tired, but whatever, I had to go to my job. So anyway I went to the job and left Malcolm laying on the couch watching tv with his dada. When I came home the house was a little dark, no lights on but it was light out so it was dim in the house. Malcolm comes running up to me with [fake] flowers in his hand smelling them and saying mmMmm flowers, and thrusting them in my face to smell them. So I smelled them and I noticed Malcolm looked kind of dirty. So picked him up with a minty lingering smell and walked into the kitchen to get in the better light. And my son had, in the two hours I was gone, turned into a smurf. He was covered head to toe in toothpaste! I went into to the living room to get an explanation from Justin, and Justin tells me that Jeremy said I left him like that! WHAT! lol. Well whatever I take him upstairs to take a bath, put him in the bath and go to our room to get him a towel and clothes. Both beds are covered COVERED in blue toothpaste. So I throw the sheets in the wash, and look at the wall at the top of the stairs blue everywhere! Wiped those down and got Malcolm out. I got Malcolm's super cool Car's spin toothbrush out to brush his teeth out SCAREEEAAMING. I thought since I loved toothpaste so much brushing his teeth was going to be easy as pie. Thought wrong. lol

Justin took Malcolm out yesterday, first nice day in a while and they brought out his basketball hoop and everytime Malcolm scored he screamed, "I WIN!", bowed, and said, "Thank you, thank you!" He is such a goofball.

Saturday, Mr. Council mopped the floor and we told Malcolm he had to stay off of it. Well Malcolm listens so well that he went on the floor and started sliding. "Woooahh SIPPPRY!" I busted out laughing. The floor was definitely slippery, but I don't think we even told Malcolm that, so it was really cute.

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