Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well here's to nothin'

Everyday I go to work and tell me friends about my awesome son that does the funniest things. They told me that I should write in a journal about all of the funny things that he does so that one day he can look back and see what a funny kind of kid he was/is. He is the most amazing child I've ever known and I can't imagine my life without him. We will do a couple stories so far to catch us up to today. Just a few I could go on forever, but I know there will be so many more. I also want to start including pictures for my wonderful son lol.

One day Justin brings home this little cat bed. It's a cylinder with a whole in it and the whole thing is carpeted... well my lovely son is so perplexed by the bed the he puts his head inside and then turns it so it gets stuck... So he starts screaming "STUCK!! STUCK!! HEEEEEELLLPPP!! we glance over and Malcolm is trying to do the one two with his feet pushing his head out... it's just terrible. Finally Justin and I have to lend a helping hand and we have to hold his head and turn the cylinder to the correct alignment and we get it out. This was about a month ago, guess what he did today. Oh yeah, he got it stuck again.

About a month ago, Malcolm got ahold of some permanent markers and decided that he wanted to be an artist when he got older and should start practicing now. He drew all over the wall. Well Justin just getting off a midnight shift thinks he can just wash it off, when that doesn't work he tries to do some patchwork and paint fresh white paint on the 5 year old white paint didn't exactly work too well. However, Justin being Justin thought it looked great lol. So Malcolm and Justin, well mostly Justin, decided that it was nap time and they went upstairs and took a nap. Justin was ready for bed Malcolm was ready for a power nap, so Malcolm woke up first and after seeing daddy playing with the paint he wanted to also... it looked like so much fun!!! Apparently daddy woke up only a few minutes after Malcolm, however, in that time Malcolm managed to dump an entire gallon of white wall paint all over the floor, the carpet, the rugs. His new nickname: Picasso.

For Malcolm's birthday he got a baseball bat, balls, and a talking tee. Well the morning of his birthday he was playing with this toy and everytime he hit the ball regardless of where it went he put his arm across his belly, bowed, and said Thank you!! Thank you!!

In closing one last story... yesterday I was using the restroom and Malcolm knocks on the door and I ask "who is it?" He continued to knock so I figured that it was Malcolm, so I let him in. He comes in and I asked him who are you? So that I could see if he knew to respond with his name. Do you know what he said... He said "I'm me". Best answer I've ever heard.

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